Getting started with Sprout

Thanks for joining Sprout! Here are a few basics to get oriented with Sprout.


The agenda is your daily planner. You schedule When you would like to work on something and only set Deadlines sparingly for important tasks. After the When date has past, items will appear as In progress.


Information in Sprout is organized into Trees. Trees can be nested into branches.

Branches can be expanded like lists or collapsed like folders. This gives you a lot of flexibility in how you organize information.


Within Trees and branches, you save information in leaves. Leaves are flexible, because they allow you to save links, notes, to-dos or discussions. And this is so much better than using separate apps for different types of information.

Browser Extension

Sprout's browser extension makes it easy to save links and clip text. Whether it’s a task, something you’d like to read later, personal research, or a resource you want to share – the extension makes it faster to save.

Special Trees: To-dos and Read Later

To-dos is a place to track personal tasks. Read Later is a place save articles you would like to read later.

The Following Feed

Lastly, there’s the Following Feed. In Sprout, you can follow people or Trees that interest you to receive updates in your feed.

Social apps let you follow people and receive updates. But those updates are one-off disconnected ideas. With Sprout, leaves are all saved to trees – like a syllabus of related posts.

That’s an overview of how Sprout helps you save, organize, and do what you need to accomplish. It makes it easy to work as an individual or collaborate with groups, teams, or communities.

Type to skip to the next leaf and continue learning how to get the most out of Sprout.