Get the workflow you need to stay organized


The basics for individuals and organizations

per month
Join for free

Unlimited members

Collaborate with everyone

Unlimited public/private trees

Organize everything across personal and team contexts

200 private leaves

200 private leaves (plus unlimited archived)

Upload 60MB of files per month

Save images to your leaves


Unlimited workflows for individuals and organizations

per user,
per month
Continue with team

Everything in the Free Plan

Users get everything included in the Premium plan, except for your team

Unlimited private leaves

Unlimited private leaves in workspace


Centralized billing and account management

Priority support

Fast responses to your inquiries via email or screen share

Upload 5GB of files per month

Plenty of room for all of your images

Pay annually
Pay monthly

Frequently asked questions

Free plan

How can I use Sprout for free?

You can archive stale or completed leaves to keep the private leaf count under 200 leaves. You can also create unlimited public leaves by setting your tree to public.

What happens if I hit my usage limit?

You will still be able to use your workspace though you won’t be able to create more private leaves unless you upgrade, archive/delete leaves, or set your tree to public.

What happens to my files when I hit my upload limit?

New uploads will not be allowed for the rest of the billable month.

Team plan

I have multiple workspaces. Does my paid plan apply to all of them?

Your plan only applies to single workspace. All workspaces need to be upgraded separately.

How are the monthly and annual plans billed?

The monthly plan charges based on the number of members in the workspace. If you add or remove members during the month, they will not be charged until your next monthly bill. Annual plans charge for the year based on the number of workspace members you currently have. If you add members, we charge a prorated amount. If you remove members, we apply a credit to your workspace for the remainder of your subscription.

How does adding guests (tree members) affect billing?

Guest accounts are billed at the same rate as workspace members.


What are the differences between Sprout Free, Sprout Pro, and Sprout Team plans?

Sprout Free is a full featured version of Sprout with usage limits.
Sprout Pro offers additional usage limits in individual user accounts.
Sprout Team offers additional usage limits in team workspaces.

Where can I find my billing history or make changes to my plan?

For workspace accounts, go to Workspace > Settings > Billing.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by going to Workspace > Settings > Billing. You need to be a workspace admin to cancel the subscription.

What if I have more questions?

Send us an email to [email protected] and we’re happy to help.