Trust Building

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Customer Experience
Customer experience is increasingly recognized as the "final frontier" of competitiveness but #cx efforts often don't focus on customers, but brands. Here's how experiential social media can make CX work much better
Customer Experience and Experiential Social Media - Christopher S. Rollyson and Associates
In order to create real value, #CX must be grounded in human experience. On human experience invites you to examine common marketing practices from a human experience perspective.
How Do You Feel? On Human Experience - Christopher S. Rollyson and Associates
Employee Engagement
Employee "engagement" is widely recognized as a crisis in the U.S. and many other "advanced" economies. Most #EE initiatives fail to reach their potential because they're not employee-centric. Here's how experiential social media can help firms realize much more value
Employee Engagement and Experiential Social Media - Christopher S. Rollyson and Associates
The Employee Engagement Fallacy reveals that most literature, papers, and methods are built on faulty Industrial Economy employment attitudes, and it provides an approach that uses experiential social media to help reframe employment and performance.
The Employee Engagement Fallacy - Christopher S. Rollyson and Associates